Glam Level 1
Solutions are designed to customary treat sun damage, acne, acne scarring, and uneven skin pigment concerns. Your skin may or may not peel as each person is different.
Glam Level 2
A higher level peel that will allow your skin to peel for days and meets your skins needs and concerns. Your skin’s sensitivity level will determine if this facial would be recommended for you.
Mini Facial
Express facial with a deep cleanses that comes with a moisturizer that will quickly revise your glam skin.
Glam Facial
A custom facial is the most effective treatment that will meet your needs.
Acne Facial
The facial is designed to correct the acne balance and calm the skin.
Back Facial
Designed specifically for concerns and needs of the back.
Beard Treatment
Customized enzyme exfoliation with the removal of ingrown hairs while treating your beard.
Body Polish
Full body exfoliation.
A series of treatments will be recommended for the best results:
Facial Contraindications
Acute sunburn.
Severe cystic acne with open pustules.
Open cuts or abrasions.
Bruises and swelling (Get your physician’s approval for a treatment; post-surgical or post-trauma bruising and swelling can often be mitigated by gentle manual lymphatic drainage massage).
Active herpes lesions.
Conjunctivitis (“pink eye”).
Severe eczema.
Severe psoriasis.
Impetigo Fungal infection.
Extreme allergic sensitivities.
This, of course, is not a complete list of every medical condition that precludes a facial treatment. If you have any doubts about your suitability for a treatment, consult with your physician.
Vajacial Facials For Bikini
The vajacial (the peach treatment) facial for the bikini area makes this treatment perfect for those who suffer from ingrown hairs, discoloration, and a lot of dead skin.
When is it safe to have a vajacial?
The typical timeframe is 1 to 2 weeks after your Brazilian or bikini wax.
Time for this treatment 30-45 minutes.
It exfoliates the skin, which helps with cell turnover, improves texture, ingrown hairs and signs of aging as well.
A series of treatments will be recommended for the best results.
All prices listed are starting prices and can vary. Customary Packages available for savings.